About this document

This document was produced by Emily J. Rollinson (@ejrollinson on Twitter).

The code generating this document was originally developed by Francois Michonneau (@fmic_ on Twitter) for the 2015 Evolution meeting and can be found here.

I originally adapted this code for the 2015 Ecological Society of America meeting (#ESA100) in Baltimore, MD, and have since reproduced it for a series of ESA and Botany meetings. I also modified it in 2020 to use the rtweet package instead of twitteR to aggregate tweets, updated the code used to generate the wordcloud, and modified the formatting of the plots.

Tweets using the hashtag #Botany2020 were aggregated from Twitter using the R package rtweet and the Twitter API. The summary statistics are static as of 8:00 AM EDT Aug 01 2020 (additional tweets, retweets, and likes after that point are not included).

This document was generated using RMarkdown, and the source is available on GitHub.

This document (and associated code) is released under a CC0 licence.

Basic summary

Of the 12338 tweets tagged #Botany2020 between 2020-07-27 and 2020-07-31:

Description n
Total of original tweets (no retweets): 3489
Number of users who tweeted (including retweeting): 1980
Number of users who tweeted (no retweets): 443

The 5 most liked tweets

The 5 most retweeted tweets

Top tweeters

All generated tweets (including retweets)

Only for original tweets (retweets excluded)

Most favorited/retweeted users

The figures below only include users who tweeted 5+ times, and don’t include retweets.

Number of favorites received by users

Number of retweets received by users

Mean numbers of likes received

Mean numbers of retweets received

Word cloud

The top 100 words among the original tweets, excluding retweets, hashtags, mentions, URLs, and common English words (“the’,”&", etc.).

To the extent possible under law, Emily J. Rollinson has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Summary of tweets at Botany 2020. This work is published from: United States.